Seizure Patient: Allison
- Allison's dad wrote:
Allison's first treatment was on March 28, 2008. Within 24hrs after treatment the symptom consisting of her eyes constantly and uncontrollably darting back and forth was completely eliminated.
Allison suffered from seizures prior to treatment, she was on 4 different anti-seizure medications and was having between 5-8 seizures per day lasting up to five minutes.
Twelve days (April 9th) after treatment Allison stopped her seizure activity completely. She is no longer on any seizure medication since July.
Allison had and EEG two weeks before treatment, which showed abnormal brain activity. Four weeks after her treatment she had an EEG which showed normalized brain activity.
Prior to treatment Allison was diagnosed with Microcephaly, her head circumference measured in the third percentile. Four weeks after treatment her head size grew to the eleventh percentile. We were told she no longer had Microcephaly.
Since Allison's treatment she has "woken up". She is self aware and has shown us how cognitive she truly is. She is turning her head when you call her name and responding to cause and effect activities. We couldn't be happier.
With faith and love,
Clifton, Sarah, & Allison
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