Brain Damage
Brain Damage
The brain is our primary organ for coordinating and regulating all of the
body’s physiological activities and cognitive functions. It is composed of
neurons (nerve cells) and neuroglia (supporting cells), housed within
gray and white matter. The gray matter is composed primarily of nerve
cell bodies. The white matter is composed of nerve cell processes that
form tracts connecting various parts of the brain.
Think of the brain as the driver’s seat of consciousness, thought,
memory, reason, and judgment. It communicates with its nerve cells
through a distinct group of chemicals known as neurotransmitters.
Through the neurons and neuroglia, the brain sends and receives
impulses, or messages, to and from the entire body. It directs the senses
and the body’s other systems—circulatory, cardiovascular,
gastrointestinal, hormonal, motor, respiratory, and so on.
The brain requires a consistent blood flow to supply enough
oxygen to satisfy the heavy metabolic demands of its neurons. Any
decrease in blood flow can trigger a catastrophe because the brain is the
organ most susceptible to a lack of oxygen. That catastrophe is what we
call brain damage.
Brain damage can produce a wide range of devastating effects,
including impaired functioning in one or more of the body’s systems,
difficulties in comprehension and learning, impaired memory,
personality disorders, impaired speech, problems with balance and gait,
partial or full paralysis, tremors, loss of control over bodily functions,
and a host of other disabilities.
There are various causes of brain damage, such as head trauma,
complications at birth, stroke, brain lesions, allergic reactions, tumors,
reactions to vaccines, and exposure to toxins. Whatever the cause, the
result is the same: lack of oxygen to the sensitive neuronal cells.
Conventional medicine often cannot provide more than minor relief and
management of symptoms. By contrast, Fetal Stem Cell Therapy can
provide positive results in the treatment of brain damage. That’s because
Fetal Stem Cells can “wake up” dormant areas of the brain (cytokines)
and then repair and replace damaged nerve cells. As the following
examples demonstrate, Fetal Stem Cell treatment addresses the damage
itself–not merely the symptoms.
Here are six case histories illustrating the power of Fetal Stem
Cells in reversing brain damage.
Gary was born a normal, healthy boy. Shortly after, tragedy
struck. He suddenly began bleeding into his brain. By the time he was
resuscitated, his brain had been without oxygen for about 30 minutes.
Gary lapsed into a coma and was placed on life support.
His doctors declared that Gary was in a vegetative state. He was
blind, could barely hold his head up, and his muscles were in spasm. He
could produce no sound, express no emotion, or comprehend anything
that was said to him. In short, Gary was incapable of any of the activities
a normal infant could perform, including eating. A permanent feeding
tube was surgically inserted though his abdomen directly into his
stomach. He was even incapable of having bowel movements on his
Gary’s doctors strongly recommended institutionalizing him.
They said absolutely nothing could be done to improve his condition and
that it would only get worse with time.
But his parents refused. They believed that, because of the level
of care required for Gary, institutionalization would be tantamount to a
death sentence.
When his parents first sought Fetal Stem Cell treatment for Gary,
he was 3 years old and still in an unresponsive vegetative state. Three
months after he received the Fetal Stem Cells, his mother wrote this
Gary is starting to make sounds! He is using tone and pitch to
emphasize things. He is making “ga-ga” sounds and has added emphasis
to his cooing sounds. Gary is now able to let us know when he is happy
or unhappy, comfortable or uncomfortable, which allows us to know and
respond to his needs.
He is also smiling, laughing, and overall is very happy.
Previously he had no emotional reaction at all. Now he is showing a full
range of emotions, and he has different facial expressions. This is
incredible because at long last Gary is responding.
Gary is also using his eyes more. One of the therapists, who has
worked for many years with numerous blind children, tells me that Gary
is no longer acting like a blind child at all! Gary has also started
burping and passing gas, neither of which he’d ever done before his stem
cell treatment. This is an indication that his digestive tract is starting to
work, which is another wonderful change.
Another noticeable improvement that began shortly after Gary
received the Stem Cells is that he now has head control. Before, when I
picked him up, if I forgot to cradle his head, it would just flop back. He is
working so hard, and he’s holding his head up for longer and longer
periods of time, and is also able to move his head around more. If he
needs to drop his head so he can rest, he’s not allowing it to flop down
the way it used to, but really making an attempt to control it.
All the therapists are excited to see such positive changes
happening with Gary. Just as important, the Stem Cells seem to be
helping each therapy session rapidly produce more and more positive
results. Gary is also showing anticipation from verbal cues, another sign
that he is now able to comprehend when he is being spoken to.
Now I love to cradle Gary in my arms, and ask him if he’s ready
to spin. Then I twirl him around in a circle a few times. Then we
“unspin” by twirling in the opposite direction. He loves this! He laughs
and kicks and moves his arms all over the place in glee, and often he
squeals in delight. Whenever I ask him if he’s ready to spin, he gets very
excited, his eyes grow large, and he has a big smile on his face. Then he
will start kicking his legs and make noise to indicate how excited he is.
Because of this, I know Gary is now able to understand things that are
about to happen in the future, instead of just responding to what is
happening now.
When I make a sound to imitate laughing, Gary will smile and
laugh back. This is so awesome to see and hear!
A few weeks later, Gary’s mother wrote again:
Gary did something new last night. I was tickling him and he
was laughing. I always tell him, “I am tickling you,” as I’m tickling him,
and I can get him to really giggle and belly laugh. But I would always
have to tell him I was tickling him for this response to occur. Today, I
told him, “I’m going to tickle you,” and he started laughing with
anticipation before I even touched him. This was a first.
The nurse who assists us in Gary’s care, seeing this, cried out in
astonishment, “Did you see that? Gary is able to comprehend things.” It
left me weeping with tears running down my face.
Before he received the Fetal Stem Cells, he would often go days
without really sleeping, and when he was awake I had to always hold
him. My husband and I are a real team when it comes to Gary’s care,
working in shifts. Before receiving the Stem Cells, Gary would not fall
asleep until sometime between 1 and 4 a.m., and sometimes not until 6 or
7 a.m. When he did sleep, he would usually wake up one to five times.
Sometimes he would remain awake for hours before finally falling back
asleep again. I would stay up all night tending to him, trying to catch
snatches of sleep while he was sleeping. Then my husband would get up
at 7 to give Gary his medications and first feed before getting ready to go
to work.
Since Gary received the Stem Cells, we all are able to go to sleep
at the latest by 1 a.m. and are able to get an uninterrupted, good night’s
sleep. Now if Gary does wake up in the night, all I have to do is
reposition him in bed and he falls right back to sleep.
This is a miracle! As a result, my husband and I are gaining
back some of our once normal lives.
Gary received one Fetal Stem Cell treatment per year over the
next four years. His improvement was constant and dramatic. In her
latest report, his mother wrote:
We took Gary to the doctor for evaluation. The results of a
SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) brain scan
showed a significant improvement in blood flow and metabolism
compared to prior scans.
All of the physicians who spoke with us about the results of the
brain scan were baffled and unable to explain the dramatic repair of
Gary’s brain, which they said they had never seen or even read about
I don’t think there is a day that I don’t cry from joy over all the
gains our son continues to make. We have a faith in God that has only
been strengthened since our little boy was injured.
It is awesome to watch this God-given miracle in progress!
Louis was just 16 months old the night he became brain
damaged. His parents put him to bed as they did every night, but
sometime later, Louis woke up and climbed out of his crib. He had never
done this before, and his parents didn’t know he was capable of it. He
then crawled undetected through an open sliding door into the back yard
and fell into the swimming pool.
Louis had stopped breathing by the time his parents discovered
what had happened and pulled him out of the pool. Although his father
resuscitated him by performing CPR, Louis’s brain had been deprived of
oxygen for such a long time that he was left, according to the doctors, in
a permanent, severely brain-damaged state. He was completely
unresponsive, unable to lift his head or control its movements, and could
not chew or swallow food. He also developed scoliosis, a curvature of
the spine.
A pump was surgically implanted in Louis to provide a constant
release of Baclofen, which helps prevent severe muscle spasms. Excess
fluids that collected in his trachea had to be suctioned frequently,
because they made breathing difficult. This alone required constant
Louis’s parents sought treatment with Fetal Stem Cells three and
a half years after his accident. His parents considered Fetal Stem Cells to
be Louis’s last hope, since they had exhausted all traditional and
alternative medical interventions they were able to find. As in Gary’s
case, they had been told that not only was there no hope for Louis’s
improvement, but that he would only get worse and ultimately die.
When his parents took Louis for his first treatment, they feared
that he would not live much longer. After Louis received the Fetal Stem
Cells, his mother wrote:
The changes in Louis have been miraculous. Here is a list of the
progress we’ve seen in him since he was treated.
In general, Louis has become much more aware and is able to
understand what is said to and asked of him. He anticipates activities
when he is told what is going to happen, and for the first time in his life
he has started to smile. Seeing that sweet smile brought tears to our eyes.
His breathing is much more normal. He breathes more deeply
and without noise from the fluid buildup in his throat, and now rarely
needs to be suctioned. He is also handling his secretions better by
coughing up mucus. His reflexive pupil response to light is now perfect,
whereas before his pupils were fixed and dilated.
He can now eat one full jar of baby food, he swallows more
consistently, and he is finally able to close his mouth around a spoon.
His bowel movements are much more regular as well.
He has much better head control now and is even able to hold
his head up when he is carried. He is starting to move his left leg, and he
is able to purposely grasp things with his left hand as well. His right
hand, which had become rigid and closed, has now released.
In her next report, Louis’s mother wrote:
Louis has remained very healthy, without any sign of infections.
Before the Stem Cells, he would become sick very often. Another big
development is that the Baclofen pump has been dramatically reduced
without any return of his painful muscle spasms. He can now understand
simple commands; as a result, he’s become much more vocal. He laughs
out loud, and his breathing is so much better that he can blow a horn.
He is beginning to be able to oppose his left index finger and
thumb in a pincher grip. He’s able to roll over from a supine position all
by himself, and he gives me huge hugs. He now has the ability to understand
complex commands and is displaying an increased range of
emotions and is engaged socially. He has more likes and dislikes and is
able to express them. He is more interested in and aware of other
children, and he is also developing a sense of humor.
The physical improvements are continuing, too. He is growing
taller and gaining weight. In addition, his scoliosis has improved by 40
My son, who was supposed to remain emotionless and
motionless, is now crawling around like crazy and is constantly happily
laughing out loud.
Louis continues to make rapid improvement in physical and
cognitive abilities and emotional and social responsiveness. The degree
and rate of his improvement have never in the history of medicine been
reported in a patient with such severe brain damage.
Lily suffered a stroke immediately after she was born. The
resulting brain damage left her blind and deaf, and she could not make
any sounds. She had little control over her body, and her head hung
downward listlessly.
Lily’s neurologist declared that she was in a vegetative state and
recommended that she be institutionalized.
A little over three months after Lily received Fetal Stem Cells,
her mother wrote this progress report:
A miracle occurred. From being deaf and blind, Lily is now able
to see and hear! She has also begun to make sounds. Lily has a lot more
control over her body now, which is especially noticeable in her head
and her back. She is vocalizing a lot and beginning to make different
sounds instead of only the vowel sounds that she began making soon
after she received the cells. She is also starting to verbalize as we spend
time with her using flashcards.
She is becoming more and more alert with each passing day and
has a new curiosity about life, reaching out to touch things that she is
now able to see for the first time. I am always noticing new positive
changes in her.
Her understanding is coming right along, and she will look at
you when you call her name. After being told our beautiful little child
would always be a “vegetable,” seeing her do something new every day
is like a little chunk of heaven!
Brandon suffered a freak accident while competing in a college
track meet. For safety’s sake, javelin and discus events aren’t typically
conducted while races are being run. But just as Brandon’s race started, a
discus thrower decided to get in some practice. His throw struck Brandon
squarely in the forehead.
As a result of his injury, Brandon was in a coma for about three
and a half weeks. In his own words, Brandon recalls the following:
When I woke up, I had no use of my legs and my right arm, was
unable to speak, and had to learn everything all over again because I
had no memory of my life before the accident.
Though he eventually regained use of his extremities and some
of his memory, Brandon still had great difficulty in thinking clearly and
he experienced problems with balance, which resulted in frequent falls.
This was the state Brandon remained in for 35 years.
Since his Fetal Stem Cell treatment, Brandon has kept a written
record of his progress. Here are some excerpts. After four months, he
I get stronger and stronger every day and my falling has
diminished by 99 percent. I can stand up without the feeling that I’m
riding down an elevator.
A short time later Brandon reported:
I can swim for long periods, and I am able to jog now. My vision
is 20/20, where before I used to have to wear reading glasses.
My speech has improved, and so has my memory. My reading
comprehension is much better, and I’ve become more aware of the world
around me. I’ve been walking precincts in support of political candidates
that I believe will make our country better.
I feel that my confidence is at an all-time high, and as an added
benefit, my allergies are all gone.
Six months after Brandon’s treatment, his mother wrote:
Here are some of my observations since Brandon came back
from his treatment.
Since a month after his treatment, I have seen a continuing
maturation in Brandon psychologically. Not only is he now chatting up a
storm, but he has also been teasing people, where before he didn’t
interact much with anyone. He is much more self-directed and selfdisciplined,
and continues to become a lot more confident as well.
He’s much more assertive than he used to be, and continues to
develop emotionally, almost as if he is growing up. His progress is
occurring by leaps and bounds each month.
Most of all, I enjoy his sense of humor and joy. I didn’t realize
that I had not heard him laugh for 35 years.
After receiving Fetal Stem Cells, Brandon became active in
politics. During the last presidential campaign, he gave several speeches
in his community about the Stem Cell issue, letting people know that he
would not have been able to do so were it not for his own Stem Cell
Matthew was 5½ when he had his first Fetal Stem Cell
treatment. At 2 weeks of age, Matthew had a devastating reaction to the
hepatitis B vaccine. Major areas of his left brain hemisphere and left
frontal lobe were damaged, and there was spotty damage to his right
hemisphere and frontal lobe. The doctors estimated that in total, roughly
40 percent of his brain was destroyed and there was no hope for
Within three weeks after receiving the Fetal Stem Cells, his
speech therapist noted that Matthew was more attentive and was
developing more interest in learning new words. For the first time, he
could say words like “horse,” “doggy,” and “happy birthday.” His
physical therapist also noticed that he was much quicker in processing
time, and that his attention span had increased.
Three months after Matthew’s treatment, his mother wrote:
Matthew continues to master new words and their meanings and
his interest in learning has accelerated. Before he received the Stem
Cells, he was so frustrated that he couldn’t communicate through words
that he just stopped trying. Now he will go to the stereo and say, “I want
to dance.” Or he will go to the fridge and say, “I want juice.” One of the
highlights last week was asking him to say, “I love you,” and he did it
the first time he was asked. My heart just melted!
In a subsequent letter, his mother added:
The biggest difference to report now is how much more quickly
Matthew is processing things. He’s learning more new words and their
meanings every week, repeating them correctly, and making connections
with objects in his environment. For example, he loves looking at
magazines, and we have been using them as teaching tools for some time
now. His vocabulary is really growing, and all of his therapists comment
that he is spontaneously talking a lot more and with much better
understanding. Physically, he’s also doing great.
Six months after his first Fetal Stem Cell treatment, Matthew
received a second treatment. His mother soon wrote:
Since returning home, Matthew has had some of his best days
ever. His teachers report that he is happy, talking up a storm and
learning better. I am thrilled to see him becoming a more mature little
After another six months, his mother reported:
Matthew continues to make significant progress with his motor
skills. Last winter he skied from the top of Vail Mountain on his own.
This is a major breakthrough.
Matthew also swam on the swim team three days a week this past
summer. He learned to do freestyle and the backstroke, and how to
practice in the pool lane with other kids. He also learned how to dive
into the pool. It was very exciting!
We have to watch what we say now, or else a little voice might
just repeat it. I’ve heard him say “damn it,” or “shoot” when I’ve
forgotten something and had to run back in the house. Just this morning,
he was singing parts of Sheryl Crow’s song “Soak Up the Sun” while I
was driving him to school.
I am so thankful to see him improve both physically and
mentally, and so very grateful for the Fetal Stem Cells.
Due to anoxia, Rebecca had been brain damaged since birth. Her
parents sought Fetal Cell Treatment when Rebecca was 1½ years old.
Her condition necessitated a tracheotomy, a surgical procedure on the
neck to open a direct airway through an incision in the trachea
(windpipe). Past SPECT brain scans revealed that Rebecca’s brain
activity was far below normal.
Within only three weeks of receiving the cells, Rebecca could
breathe without her endotracheal tube, and it was subsequently removed.
She also started to show positive changes in both her mental and physical
Around that time, Rebecca underwent another SPECT brain
scan, which, to her doctor’s amazement, revealed a 15 percent increase in
brain activity. The brain scan confirmed that the Fetal Stem Cells were
repairing the damage to her brain. She continues to improve to this day.
Brain Scan Proof
Brain scans of brain-damaged patients—both children and
adults—validate the efficacy of Fetal Stem Cell Therapy. That is, actual
physical changes in the brain can be observed in scans.
Neil, a 46-year-old attorney who suffered serious brain damage
as a result of a mugging, is an example of this. Soon after he received the
Fetal Stem Cells, a brain scan engendered the following report from his
When compared with a brain scan taken prior to the Stem Cell
treatment, it is obvious that significant improvement has taken place,
plus, I discern positive changes in his behavior.
All too often, brain-damaged patients are given little or no hope
of recovery. But what you have just read are only a few of many
examples of the improvements that are seen consistently after Fetal Stem
Cell treatment. The improvements these patients have achieved are just
the beginning of the progress that lies in their future. We believe that in
their lifetimes, especially the children’s, there is potential for these
patients to become normal.